Long Live Your Crown! How Long Do Dental Crowns Really Last?

May 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 6:59 pm
Patient smiling with their new dental crowns

Dental crowns are a common way for dentists to restore damaged or decayed teeth, offering both strength and aesthetics. But how long can you expect your restorations to last? It’s a difficult question with many variables but understanding them can help you keep them around for a long time, yet. Continue reading to learn more about dental crowns and how to support them for a longer, healthier life.


Erasing the Evidence: A Guide to Tooth Stains and How to Remove Them

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 6:24 pm
Patient smiling after having their tooth stains removed

A dazzling smile can light up a room, but accumulated tooth stains can dull your teeth over time. While avoiding certain foods and drinks can help, not all discoloration comes from eating. Understanding the types of staining that exist and how to get rid of them is the first step to keeping your pearly whites gleaming. Read on to explore the common causes of tooth discoloration and effective ways you can remove them!
