3 Things You Should Know About Oral Cancer

April 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 5:23 pm
patient at dental appointment being screened for oral cancer

Are you dealing with oral health issues? While cavities and gum disease may not pose immediate dangers, it’s crucial to stay alert because oral health issues, if left untreated, can escalate to life-threatening conditions. This is particularly true for oral cancer, a potentially deadly disease that demands attention. Continue reading to discover three vital facts about oral cancer to protect your smile.


4 Reasons to Appreciate Your Dental Hygienist

April 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 9:56 pm

Smiling dental hygienist in dentist’s officeDentists get a lot of credit when it comes to promoting healthy smiles because they’ve undergone extensive training to earn their degree. However, your dental hygienist is equally important. They are experts in oral hygiene, with in-depth knowledge regarding the best ways to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Here are 4 reasons to appreciate your dental hygienist during your next cleaning and checkup.


How to Store Your Toothbrush Safely

March 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 11:46 pm
Picture of toothbrushes

For most people, brushing their teeth is something they do habitually without a second thought. The routine is locked in—pick up the brush, apply the toothpaste, get it wet, and get clean. While there’s nothing necessarily wrong with this, it may also be a good idea to think about the details surrounding your daily dental routine. For example, you might want to consider how you store your toothbrush each night. Here are a few tips you might want to keep in mind.


3 Oral Health Conditions Everyone Should Know More About

March 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 11:40 pm
Patient talking to a dentist

Having a good dentist on your side is incredibly important for your oral health, but any professional will tell you that the most important things that you’ll do for your teeth will take place outside the dentists’ office.

That’s why it’s important for people to have a thorough understanding of the most common oral health problems they could face, as well as what they can do to mitigate them. If you’re curious, here are some of the conditions that you’ll need to watch out for.


How Can I Get Rid of Dental Plaque?

February 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 4:58 pm

Woman looking at her teeth in mirrorPlaque is a slimy, sticky substance that clings to teeth above and below the gum line. It’s a buildup of bacteria that can be yellowish or whitish in color. Everyone has plaque, which accumulates throughout the day. If it isn’t removed, it can damage your teeth and gums. Here’s how to safeguard your smile from the effects of plaque buildup to keep your mouth and body healthy.


Dentistry Detectives: Uncovering Hidden Health Conditions

January 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 7:12 pm
Dentist and patient talking about health conditions

When you think about visiting the dentist, you probably think about getting your teeth cleaned or having a cavity fixed. However, what you may not realize is that a regular dental checkup could reveal much more than that! In fact, dentists are sometimes the first to detect underlying medical conditions that may not yet have shown symptoms elsewhere.

If you’re wondering what health conditions dentists can uncover, continue reading. You’ll learn how dentists become detectives when it comes to diagnosing your health.


4 Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution to Floss More!

January 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 10:51 pm
a closeup of a person flossing at home

As the new year unfolds, many of us embark on a journey towards self-betterment, typically by picking and choosing specific resolutions to stick to. Often, people tend to choose resolutions that revolve around health—going to the gym more often, cutting out junk foods, and improving their oral hygiene are a few of the most popular goals these days. If you’ve opted to floss more though, you’ve truly chosen a useful resolution to pursue; flossing is incredibly important for one’s oral health and should be done daily! Here are a few tips from your dentist to help you stick to your resolution to floss more heading into 2024.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You Progress in Your Career

December 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 11:44 pm
person with nice smile at job interview

As our smiles naturally exhibit signs of aging, including concerns like chipped teeth and discolored enamel, the opportunity for rejuvenation emerges within the realm of cosmetic dentistry. This transformative approach ensures that your smile becomes a source of confidence, especially crucial if you are pursuing a new job, seeking a promotion, or aiming to attract new clients. Explore the specifics to grasp how undergoing cosmetic dental treatments can significantly contribute to achieving the professional milestones you’ve been pursuing.


So, Are the Holidays Really the Worst Time for Teeth?

December 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 3:47 pm
A happy couple smiling during the holidays

Well, this year’s winter holidays have nearly arrived. That means you’ve likely prepared for festive eating and family gatherings! Still, don’t assume the occasions only have upsides. It turns out that these holidays are bad for your oral health. If you act carelessly, you may end this season with cavities or gum disease. Luckily, your Montpelier dentist will help prevent these outcomes. Read on to learn why winter holidays harm teeth, including how to protect your grin from them.


A Toast to Teeth: Caring for Your Oral Health During Thanksgiving

November 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — riverstationdent @ 5:11 pm
A family enjoying Thanksgiving with good oral health

As you congregate around the dinner table this year, think about the teeth that got you here. Without your pearly whites, you would never have smiled quite the same, or eaten all the foods you love. Your life would have been completely different without them! If you’re serious about giving a toast to your teeth, you should be extra good about your oral health this Thanksgiving.

If you’re ready to protect your grin from the onslaught of a Thanksgiving feast, continue reading. You’ll find some great tips for keeping your turkey chompers healthy.

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